Sunday 16 March 2014

weekly roundup #5

hi, i'm katie and i like to make my breakfast look pretty / relaxing afternoon with john green / sometimes leicester is pretty / all readyy to go out / i spend way too long on my makeup / pretty sunset is pretty

Isn't the weather just getting nicer as each day goes by? It makes me so chipper, love it! All the blossom is flowering and everything just looks so much prettier in the sunshine.

I kept my promise of completing another essay this week, only 2 more to go and then first year is over, which is exciting and scary all at once! My university life is whizzing by and then I'll have to get a proper job and all that adult stuff, wahh!

My week ended with a big night out for my friend's 20th birthday on Friday and we first had a bit of a flat party and then went to the O2 academy in Leicester which just so happens to be our rival university's students' union, but it was such a good night. We ended up getting back at 5:30 and stayed awake until 7am before finally going to sleep (It felt like freshers week all over again!). Saturday was hangover and food filled, spent all day bumming around in the flat feeling sorry for ourselves with 3 hours sleep. I was so pleased with how my makeup turned out on Friday night though, I spent aaaages doing it and was pleased with the result. I might re-create the look and write a blog post on it, partly four you lovely lot and partly for me, so I can remember in a few months time how to re-create the look!

What a lovely week it has been, hope yours was equally good!



  1. I really want to read The Fault in our Stars, and you look gorgeous in that dress :)

    Kate xo //

    1. It is an incredible book, this is my second or third time reading it! And thank you lovely, that's so kind of you! xx


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