Sunday 23 February 2014

weekly roundup #2

loving the nude polishes / before i realised i had food poisining but after some alcohol / pretty flowers my mum received for valentine's day / bakery treat - subsiding my craving for carrot cake / essay work is mind numbing / would be wrong to pass up offers on stationary
I've had the privilege of having a reading week off uni this week so my plan was to spend a week doing essays and drinking copious amounts of tea... not exactly how the week went. 

It started off well and I got work done until Tuesday night when I gave myself food poisoning and didn't realise until I got drunk and was in the middle of a club, fair to say it didn't end well and was followed swiftly by a phone call for my mum to come and save me from my death bed. I'm far too lucky to live only 30 minutes from home. It's now Sunday and of course my wonderful mum convinced me to stay home until tomorrow morning to then whiz back to uni for a lecture at 1. 

I also got new glasses this week which I absolutely love! I'm not supposed to wear my contact lenses for more than 10 hours a day or everyday in a week -which I do because I didn't like my glasses and felt they didn't suit my face and we outdated since I'd had them since 2010 so I was treated to some lovely Ralph Lauren glasses which I'm sure will pop up in this blog for you to have a look at. 

I had planned to take my Canon on a walk in the countryside near my house this weekend but that turned into food/knick knack shopping with mum and this week we celebrated the retirement of the vicar at my parish church here at home. I've been attending since I was born and have grown up with my vicar guiding me and my family through good times and bad and I'm so sad to see him leave. But now he and his wife can enjoy their new house in the country with their little puppy and I'm sure they'll enjoy it immensely whilst missing us mad lot. My church is such a warming and friendly place, not what you'd typically imagine a church to be like and I definitely wouldn't be the person I am today without my faith and all the friends I have made there and I miss going every Sunday morning and enjoying their company. Anyway, I won't go on!

It's been a good week, not as planned but sometimes it's better that way and now I'm less stressed (and sick) and ready to get back into lectures, blasting out these essays and hopefully improving my diet (no more dunking biscuits in tea!) 
Wish me luck.


  1. Sounds like you have had a lovely week :)! Well apart from the food poisoning :(


    1. It was a lovely week thank you! Hope you had a nice week too :) x

  2. Enjoy your week Katie!lovely blog, as soon as I finish my finals I'll get back to fixing my blog again!happy blogging!xx

    1. Thank you lovely! Definitely concentrate on your finals first! Good luck with them all! xx


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