Wednesday 5 February 2014

thinking positive

Ever have one of those days where you feel like absolutely nothing has gone your way and you're left feeling deflated, unmotivated and just sad in general? Don't we all? I can't be alone on this!

I saw this little quote on pinterest and decided to share it on my blog because I think it's a little gem of advice and something I'm definitely going to remind myself of whenever I'm having a totally poopy day.

It's extremely difficult to pull yourself back up again when you're just in 'one of those' moods but if you look properly at how your day went I'm sure everyone can find at least one thing that went right. It could be anything, even the little things that we take for granted every day. Did you have your favourite breakfast? Your mum say she loves you before you leave to go to school/work? Listened to a good song? Hair went exactly how you like it? It could be anything! 

I was having what I thought was a disaster of a day filled with a lack of sleep, a day full of lectures and arguing with someone but looking back on it, my day was filled with life long friends, laughs, a day full of learning about my dream career, and ultimately I had a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food in my tummy and was surrounded by people who like me just for who I am. 

Another thing I find useful, especially now I have moved out, is that I ring my mum or grandma. Even if I don't express my upset, just hearing their voice and asking about their day cheers me up just a little. Nothing beats a cuddle with your mum but just hearing her say she loves you is a close second. 

One thing that never failed to make me smile is listening to that song that you just love and whenever you hear it, you just can't help but sing along. A good dance and mime around your bedroom can work wonders, just getting your blood pumping and getting all the negative out of your system is a miracle worker. Anyone for a dramatic rendition of Timber by Kesha?

I know thinking positive is a lot easier said than done and when you're having a crappy day the last thing you want to do is think about the day, you just want to forget it while devouring a tub of Ben and Jerries and watching The Notebook but it can be rewarding to remember the good things. It not only makes you feel a bit more positive but makes you appreciate what you have.

I'm not really sure of the reason for writing this post, it is a lot more personal that my others but I feel like sometimes I need to get things off my chest, which is another good way of feeling a little happier. I think it will be good to look back on this post in the future, whether that be in a week or even a few years down the line, read my own advice (and hopefully take it!) and see that this little quote is as much relevant now as it will be in the future.

Apologies if you don't like this sort of post but I think it has been beneficial for me to get this off my chest, plus if you take anything from this, then remember this little quote and always remember the positives, no matter how small they are.

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