Monday 17 March 2014

real techniques dupes from eBay

I bring you again some fantastic brushes courtesy of eBay. Recently, I've really been starting to get into buying from eBay whether it be brushes, acrylic storage (blog post coming soon), jewellery or other  random bits and bobs that catch my eye. 

I bought each individual brush for only £1.53 and free P&P which is too good of an offer to turn down in my opinion, especially for the quality of the brushes. They are extremely soft and the fibres are dense so they blend foundation or even powders such as blush or bronzer well into the skin leaving a flawless finish. 

The bristles are duo-fibre which look sleek but also mean that whilst cleaning the brushes you can see when they are completely clean, instead of guessing, a bonus in my opinion! The stem of the brushes are sturdy and plastic which means they are unlikely to wear or become tarnished by water when washing/drying. 

I just know I am going to get lots of use out of these brushes and they are a welcome addition to the Real Techniques brushes I already own. 

Have you ever thought to buy brushes from eBay? Would you consider buying trying them out because of the price or does the price put you off?

(On my nails is Models Own 'Grape Juice')

1 comment

  1. Ive seen another post similar to this, ive actually ordered the brushes from ebay just waiting for them to arrive, will let u know,

    Lipsiie xx


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