Monday 23 June 2014

june recap.

Bit of a switch up from the traditional 'monthly favourites' post, I fancied recapping not only my most loved things from June but add in a few lifestyle updates which would be nice to look back on in a few months time. It's tough now that I've finished university to get out and do things that don't cost a bomb but are still fun, but it should be easier now I've moved back home for the summer cause I get lots of time with people. 


Yankee Candle in 'Beach Flowers':-
This was bought for my birthday by my lovely mum who wanted a colour of candle that would match my room but also smell lovely and this is just it! I'm constantly burning it, but it's hardly burnt down already so I'm super impressed. Did I mention it smells incredible?! 

MAC 'Mulch' eyeshadow:-
I love love love this eyeshadow because it's great worn alone or added to a lighter matte or shimmer to create a subtle smoke and dimension to the shadow. Perfecto. 

I used to be obsessed with buying jewellery a few years ago, every time I went into town I'd always go into Accesorize and pick up a new piece to add to my collection. When I moved to university, I threw out most of it cause it was getting old and worn, so I hardly wore it. Jewellery then took a back seat for a while, until I went into Topshop the other day and picked up a few pieces which are subtle but lovely all the same. They just bring an outfit together. 

River Island Gladiator style sandals:-
I saw Zoella mention these in a video and fell in love instantly. I've never really been a shoe person, I'd always rather have a few pairs that suit all occasions but I adore these and have literally worn them every single day since I got them. They go with everything and suit all weather, rain or shine. 

Tove Lo - Stay High:-
Another song for you to feast your ears on this month and this one is equally as incredible as last months favourite. I am constantly listening to this whatever mood I'm in and the video is so powerful. The lyrics are fairly serious but the beat behind it lifts this song up so it's not so down and depressing. 


So this month I packed up 9 months worth of junk ready to move back into my parents house for the summer. It's so strange not being self sufficient and just looking after myself. I miss cooking for one person, getting up when I'm ready and not fighting for the shower in the morning! But at the same time, I really do enjoy being home. I'm a family girl at heart, even though sometimes my independence gets in the way and I have to take time out. But equally I'm so so lucky to be back at home and have my family around me, and then when I need a little 'me' time there's plenty of countryside to wander or places to visit. I'm really trying to focus on spending time with people this summer because last summer was quite a lonely time for me and I regret not embracing life and just going with my gut. I'm planning so many trips out and meeting up with people and I'm really lucking forward to it, and yes, I may not have the budget to do everything, but I feel like right now I'm not tied down by a mortgage or children, etc so I should just go out and enjoy being young and being able to embrace all these wonderful opportunities. (Not that being tied down by those things is a bad thing, at 19 or any other age, but for me right now I'm focusing on my career and enjoying being young.)

Another big thing that happened this month was that I finally went swimming for the first time in around 7/8 years. It may not seem like a big thing to most people, but I've always had anxiety surrounding swimming but I finally stepped into the pool and swam a few lengths without a panic attack or drowning. Which to me, is such a big step, and one of which I am so proud of. Swimming is such a wonderful form of exercise so I hope to keep going and getting fitter each time. It's such an exciting prospect. 

I also went on a school trip with 60 foundation stage children from the school I woke seasonally at, to a butterfly farm in Stratford-upon-Avon, to link in with the topic they are currently studying. It was such a wonderful day consisting of stifling humidity (yay for my makeup sinking into my skin, boo), well behaved children, picnic lunches, playground time and sleepy coach rides home. It really was a lovely day and just confirmed to me even more than I'm in the right career to suit me and I can't wait to have my own class to et to know and nurture in one of the most important stages of their lives. One of the teachers there also told my mum that I was a natural with the children which makes me super happy, but also question whether foundation stage might be the right age fr me to teach. Who knows! 


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