Sunday 23 November 2014

A Hearty Hello To You (Remember me?!)

Well good afternoon (or morning, wherever you may be) and a hearty hello to you. If you're still following me on bloglovin' or another network then thank you for bearing with me. Yes, another one of those 'hello, I've not blogged in X months, soz' posts. Any one who says second year of uni is easy is a big liar liar pants on fire and really needs to shush (and put out the fire in their pants).

All photo's are from my instagram which you can find HERE.

-Top Row-

Random surprise of a dozen red roses and dinner | This one makes the stress of life a lot more bearable | Thai Green Curry! Getting back into cooking and loving every delicious second of it 

-Middle Row-

I finally invested in an Oh-So-Grown-Up Black coat - feeling v.sophisticated | Halloween ft. liquid latex cuts and chiseled collar bones | A quick weekend away to a very chilly Wales coastline 

-Bottom Row-

Treats in the form of chicken and cocktails, what more could you want | Made a kitty friend who I tried to pay in chicken to do my assignments, instead she just napped and distracted me | I spend a good majority of my week in this position, and I couldn't be more content

Of course this seems like all I've done is eat good food, go on holiday and do fancy makeup but in reality, these are just the highlights and 98% of my time has been spent behind this laptop and with my head in journal articles. Who said uni wasn't fun? I've have missed blogging incredibly and I have so many ideas whizzing around my brain only to be written in my notebook and never to flourish into something I hope to be wonderful. I've realised that I need to factor in a little 'me' time and hopefully that will materialise into more blog posts. 

That's all for now, but keep your eyes peeled!

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