Saturday 17 August 2013

I'm going to University!

So it's taken 2 days for it to sink in and I still don't think it as full but I'M GOING TO MY DREAM UNIVERSITY IN 5 WEEKS! 

So that's out of my system... Hurrah!

Wednesday night I couldn't sleep, I was waking up at least 4 times an hour and having a blurry-eyed check of the time and of UCAS before going back to sleep.

Finally at a more reasonable time of 7:30 I finally managed to get onto UCAS and saw...

And I burst into tears and couldn't speak and my Mum thought it was bad news due to my crying so I pointed at the screen and she burst into tears too! It was an odd but funny moment as we were both sobbing and laughing at the same time. 

I am so excited to be going to my firm choice of university and can't wait to start learning and developing skills for my future career path, alongside making new friends and partying hard of course! I hope university is my chance to explore who I really am without worrying what anyone else thinks, my chance to become independent and learn how to live on my own (which actually doesn't sound too scary!). I'm ready to move on to bigger and better things and I'm so so excited to have been given the opportunity to do so. 

Have any of my readers had their A level results? How did you get on? What's your degree choice or future career path? 
Let me know!

Love Katie xx

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