Tuesday, 15 July 2014


1. The day you move into halls you will spend the day feeling like you're going to poop your pants with excitement/nervousness until you get a vodka mixer down your neck.. then you won't care and everyone will be your best friend despite this being the first day you know them.

2. Freshers photos. The most mortifying photos to look back on but at the time you thought you were hilarious and wanted to show everyone from home just how much fun you are having in your new city. Ooh drinking. Ooh predrinks. Ooh 'I love uni'. Such fun. 

drinking from a smart price lemonade bottle in the street while waiting for the bus to our freshers ball? classy one i am.

3. You blew your student loan in the first few weeks due to going out every night for two weeks and 'needing' a new outfit for each night.. cause yknow, who wants to be seen in the same outfit twice?

4.You are constantly being told off by the little library minions who are insistent that you must follow every single tiny little rule in your university's policy and have the most un-enjoyable time in the library as possible, even if you have done nothing wrong. I'm not bitter at all...

5. You eat supernoodles at least twice a week, from the saucepan, with whatever utensil you can find, or failing that, your hands. 

6. "I'll do it later" is a frequent excuse for everything. Washing up? Tidying your room? That assignment that is due next week? Yep, there's plenty of time for that.

7. "I'll just come for prinks" or "I'll go out but I wont drink much". You know this is the biggest lie but you undoubtedly tell yourself this to make yourself feel better and to convince yourself that you can control how much you drink. Wrong. Once prinks are underway, it is just too tempting not to join in. You'll work through the hangover anyway, right?

8. You think back to first year and cringe with all the embarrassing things you said/did and when you walk past that one guy that you kissed or that girl who you pissed off that one night you will forever be haunted by the memories of alcohol induced stupidity. Why oh why.

9. 9am lecture? Yeah, not a chance you'll be making it to that. Even if you set 10 alarms. Or leave your door unlocked for the flatmate who is practically nocturnal to waltz in and wake you up. Tried and tested, it doesn't work. *slaps self on wrist*

10. You have said at least twice "40% will do" or "first year doesn't count anyway" when you don't do as well as expected. Yeah, we've all been there. Expectations dramatically lowered, oops, sorry mum.

11. You go all out with cheap, yet cheerful halloween costumes. £2.50 white primark tee slashed and stained with fake blood? Yes please!

12. You take rivalry with the other uni's in your city very seriously and any frolicking with the 'enemy' is seen as strictly forbidden. *cue chants of stating that your uni is great and the others are words that can't possibly be said when not intoxicated* oooh naughty. 

13. You know how you said you were going to go to university and learn how to cook? Yeah, that didn't happen did it? Yay for Domino's two for Tuesdays and oven chips. Yum.

14. You spent over £300 on books that you have only looked at a handful of times... why when they are in the library for loan? Yeah, I have no idea either. 

15. You love baths. And you didn't know this until you moved into halls and could't have one. Such sadness. 

16. You hate the guy that invented Harvard referencing and truly believe that he did so just to spite anyone trying to get a qualification. 

17. The impending 10,000 word dissertation haunts your awake and sleeping mind. Ugh. Effort.

And finally, 18. You realise that you sleep more than a new born baby. But this is normal... because you're a student it's okay. Right?


Sunday, 15 December 2013

Instagram Update and It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas

I didn't fancy taking ages to write a big post this weekend as it's my first weekend back home for Christmas and wanted to spend it with  my family!

So here's a little update of some instagram photos and a few snaps I took with my camera.

posing for a new blog post // all snuggled up to watch Christmas films // reindeer at our students union // my own little bauble for the tree at home // train selfie on the way home to surprise mother bear for her birthday // vodka always lies to me and leads to embarrassment // assignment work due before Christmas breakup // you never appreciate baths until you go to university  

a students makeshift christmas tree

christmas dinner for 12 

my bauble taking its place on the tree

 Hope everyone is enjoying the festive season so far, I'm having fun but struggling to adapt to being back at home and filling the gap I left. Plus I miss my uni friends and other people so much, skyping them just isn't the same as being with them! 

Right, I'm off to have a cup of tea and a mince pie,
Katie xx


Sunday, 3 February 2013

Organisational Skills for Education

Hey everyone, sorry it's been a while, I've been super busy, but I shan't use that as an excuse and I'll try to be more consistent in the future, even if I only post small posts.
So, I know a lot of people my age struggle with organising their work and I feel like I pretty much have my organisation down so thought I would write a few tips for people!

1. Keep a Diary
Colourful diary that was bought cheaply from Tesco!

I ALWAYS keep a diary and literally cannot live without it in my bag, it pretty much has my whole schedule in and without it with me, I'm totally lost! I include any social events, no matter how big or small in here and when receiving homework or assignments at sixth form, I make sure to write every detail down. Don't think that you'll remember all the information, it's very unlikely that you will, so just write everything down, it doesn't take long!

I also colour code the diary so different aspects of my life and different deadlines are clear when flicking through. This helps you not only organise, but to be quick when looking for a specific event or deadline.

2. Typing up class/lecture notes

This is actually something that my boyfriend introduced to me. (Thank you Jack :3) I've loved the technique and it really does help the information sink in. As I'm a neat freak, not only does it make my notes look lovely, but while typing the up, you're going over information and therefore you will notice any issues and you can iron them out a long time before your exam, rather than having a last minute panic! And again, I love to colour code my notes to make them easier to read... can you sense a pattern too?! ehehe

3. When working, create a nice environment.
I love to grab a huge mug of tea, sit on my bed with my work laid out, put on a film/tv show/music and relax while I'm working or revising. I can't work in silence, silence creeps me out, aha. Remember to keep hydrated because (and here's the fact everyone tells you...) your brain is about 70-80% water, it needs it to function! Plus, if you have a lovely warm drink, or a crisp cool drink to keep slurping while you're working, you're bound to be more relaxed and in the right 'working' mood. On the topic of keeping your body hydrated, you also need a good amount of sleep! If you feel tired, you simply won't want to work and will keep putting it off until it's too late. Plus, who doesn't love sleeping?! ehehehe

4. Set yourself goals -but don't beat yourself up!
I like to set myself small goals on either a daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly basis just so I know I always have something, whether small or not, to work towards. These don't all have to be work related goals, they could be health/fitness related, or even to do with your own personality or attitudes. If you set small goals, at regular intervals, then you always have something to work towards, and you are completing them on a regular basis which is a great confidence boost. Most importantly, don't beat yourself up if you don't complete a goal in the time which you assumed it would take. Priorities change all the time and things will come above others in your list and that's just part of life. Embrace that you've completed something else, rather than focusing on the negatives!

5. Treat yourself!
I am a firm believer that you shouldn't work yourself stupid without rewarding yourself once in a while. Your self esteem needs this. It doesn't matter if it's a day off working/revising, buying a new lipstick, buying a new top, spending special time with a sibling or friend... it doesn't matter what it is, just keep your happiness and nice memories up and your negativity down!

And that concludes my top tips for organising and I hope they've been helpful! I know this is a very different post to my others, but I felt like writing this and if it helps just one person, then I shall be happy. Let me know if you want more posts like this, as I enjoyed writing this and would like to do something similar again.

I promise to have another post up this week. But in other news, I finally got my first follower, yay!
See you later on this week!

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