One of the most popular post on my blog is my '20 pretty pointless facts about me' written aaaaages ago so I thought it was about time I updated it, gave you some new facts and some updated pictures!
1 // My favourite meal is breakfast and I love to have natural yoghurt and a banana topped with granola, and a cup of tea.
2 // I passed my driving test in June 2013 and haven't driven since! I'm pretty scared to get behind the wheel again, but also quite excited to have even more independence.
3 // I constantly have cold feet. Even in summer.
4 // I can't wait to have my own class of children to teach. My dream is getting oh-so closer (only 3 more years until I'm qualified) and I'm so excited for what the future holds.
5 // If you can make me laugh, I'll almost certainly like you lots and want us to be friends. Laughter is the best medicine!
6 // I'm a complete weirdo. Which you'll soon find out if you get to know me. But weird is unique and good, right?
7 // When watching the TV or listening to music, the volume has to be on an even number. No if's, no but's.
8 // I'm trying to improve my photography skills but am afraid of taking my Canon 1100d out and about with me, for fear of it getting stolen/lost.
9 // Cherry Coke is my favourite fizzy drink. I adore it. *runs to the corner shop to buy a can... or two...*
10 // The last time I went on an aeroplane was 4 years ago when I went on a pilgrimage with my church to Assissi, in Italy. I really want to travel and visit more places in the future.
11 // I am hardly ever late for anything because I get really anxious about not being on time. Especially for trains.
12 // My birthday is the 18th of May and although I used to get extremely excited as a child, I don't feel the same excitement now I'm older.
13 // I grew up in the Midlands, and have lived in the same house all my life (until I moved out to go to university)
14 // One of my favourite books is 'One Day' by David Nicholls. The film is also amazing, highly recommend!
15 // I was born on a Thursday.
16 // I've only ever been a bridesmaid once, and that was for my Mum when I was 11.
17 // I love Cornwall and it's coastline because I have so many fond memories of family holidays there.
18 // I can't wait to start a family, get married and have children. (not for another 5+ years though, hold your horses)
19 // I have watched the Shaytards vlogs every single day for the last 4 years!