Friday, 18 July 2014


One of the most popular post on my blog is my '20 pretty pointless facts about me' written aaaaages ago so I thought it was about time I updated it, gave you some new facts and some updated pictures!

1 // My favourite meal is breakfast and I love to have natural yoghurt and a banana topped with granola, and a cup of tea.

2 // I passed my driving test in June 2013 and haven't driven since! I'm pretty scared to get behind the wheel again, but also quite excited to have even more independence.

3 // I constantly have cold feet. Even in summer.

4 // I can't wait to have my own class of children to teach. My dream is getting oh-so closer (only 3 more years until I'm qualified) and I'm so excited for what the future holds.

5 // If you can make me laugh, I'll almost certainly like you lots and want us to be friends. Laughter is the best medicine!

6 // I'm a complete weirdo. Which you'll soon find out if you get to know me. But weird is unique and good, right?

7 // When watching the TV or listening to music, the volume has to be on an even number. No if's, no but's.

8 // I'm trying to improve my photography skills but am afraid of taking my Canon 1100d out and about with me, for fear of it getting stolen/lost.

9 // Cherry Coke is my favourite fizzy drink. I adore it. *runs to the corner shop to buy a can... or two...*

10 // The last time I went on an aeroplane was 4 years ago when I went on a pilgrimage with my church to Assissi, in Italy. I really want to travel and visit more places in the future.

11 // I am hardly ever late for anything because I get really anxious about not being on time. Especially for trains.

12 // My birthday is the 18th of May and although I used to get extremely excited as a child, I don't feel the same excitement now I'm older.

13 // I grew up in the Midlands, and have lived in the same house all my life (until I moved out to go to university)

14 // One of my favourite books is 'One Day' by David Nicholls. The film is also amazing, highly recommend!

15 // I was born on a Thursday. 

16 // I've only ever been a bridesmaid once, and that was for my Mum when I was 11.

17 // I love Cornwall and it's coastline because I have so many fond memories of family holidays there. 

18 // I can't wait to start a family, get married and have children. (not for another 5+ years though, hold your horses)

19 // I have watched the Shaytards vlogs every single day for the last 4 years! 

20 // I found it really difficult to think of 20 facts about me!


Tuesday, 5 February 2013

20 Pretty Pointless Facts About Me

So hello, time for me to jump on the bandwagon! I thought this would be a quick introduction and mid-week post.
1. I am 18 years old on May 18th and I'm feeling a mixture of excited and nervous! I can legally do new things but I'll be an adult.. hello responsibility!

2. I am currently studying A2 levels and will be going to either DeMontfort University or Leeds Trinity University in September (Grades depending!) to study Education.

3. As you may of noticed from my last post, I love to colour code everything!

4. Leading on from point three, I adore buying stationary (it's totally my guilty pleasure!), I physically cannot go into town without buying something from Rymans!

5. I danced for 11 years before quitting due to stress and a terrible self esteem.

6. Over the past 2 years I have lost a total of 2.5 stone.

7. I have been in a long distance relationship for a year an a half (2 years in July) and currently, my boyfriend studies in Leeds.

Old photo's but I thought they were quite funny. (I wasn't drunk... much!)
8. I have always wanted to be a primary teacher (Hence, choosing to do a degree in education!)

9. My favourite colour is plum.

10. My favourite tv programme has got to be 'Miranda' as most of the time, she reminds me of myself!

11. I have major phobias of Moths, Birds and Boats. (Yeah, I'm so weird....)

12. I love a good bargain, but hate looking through sale racks with mardy women elbowing me in the ribs!

13. I have never had an 'official' job, but for the past year and a half, I have been cleaning my grandmas house on a weekly basis and getting £25 a week for it!

14. My A level subjects are Psychology, Biology, Literature and Maths - but I dropped that last year!

15. I cannot play any musical instruments, but wish I could

16. My favourite hot drink is tea. [Milk, fairly strong, no sugar, if you were wondering ;)]

17. I rarely get my hair cut at the hairdresser, I know, it's terrible, shame on me! I love going, but I have to go a specific hair dressers (because I only trust one woman cutting my hair!) but it's so expensive!

18. I am ridiculously bad at staying up late, it gets to 10pm and I'm shattered! Doesn't help that I'm up at 7am every day though...

19. I hate it when people don't use their manners or chew with their mouth open. Bleugh.

20. I didn't start wearing make up until I was about 15, unlike every other girl in the entire world, I didn't like it and felt it was a 'waste of time' until then! How wrong I was, I now can't look at any photos until about last year because I look so terrible!

Well, there you go, as the title says, this post was very pointless but I thought I'd join everyone else :)
Leave some facts about you below, and I will always reply to your comments.

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